The future of transformation is in group experiences and community.


Do you know how to bring MAGIC to your Group Coaching sessions?


At Group Coach MAGIC™ we've perfected and honed our tools over hundreds of sessions with excellent coaches just like you. 


Become a master of Group Coaching, with The SureFire™ Group Coaching System.

Enroll Now In Our Exclusive Community

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

Your 1:1 clients are getting amazing results, yet you're reaching a limit on your impact and income.

You’ve resisted or delayed group coaching because you're not confident enough yet that you can do it well (or even do it at all)

You're unclear how to translate your 1:1 program into a group setting… and you do NOT want to water down your expertise or the perceived value by your client.

You think 1:1 is superior to group coaching, but maybe you also suspect that could be a limiting belief.

You’re suffering from shiny object syndrome – bouncing from one idea to the next, never fully committing to any of them and having a whole pile of “unfinished” going on with nothing to show for it.

You’ve tried group coaching before, and you realize there’s another level of mastery that you need, but you're not sure how to get there. 

You want more participation, engagement, re-enrollment, community, connection and value in your groups

If any of these thoughts sound familiar, then keep reading - you're in the right place!

Looking for a Smoother Ride?

You love working with your 1:1 clients, but you're starting to feel stressed, overworked, and even underpaid.  That full roster of individual clients looks more and more like a burden. 

The feast or famine income roller-coaster takes a toll. One month you're getting paid well, but the next month you're back trying to sign more clients, and to make it all work for the lifestyle you want.

You've tried Group Coaching, but the old models for doing it are coming up short... maybe your clients didn't love the experience or get enough value.  Maybe running sessions felt like a big learning curve.  Maybe your community didn't feel connected enough.

You’ve tried so many things. You get off to a good start - but it doesn’t last. You lose motivation and get stuck.  You suspect that you're not alone, but you FEEL alone!

You’ve read the blogs and emails and listened to the big coaches about how to do Group Coaching. You've been in different communities  but the support you're getting is too general, superficial or academic in nature.  Now you're more confused than ever, trying to piece together how to do Group Coaching on your own, through trial and error, with no focused and practical help specifically for coaches.

You wish someone would just take you by the hand and guide you through the steps and the activities in order.  And you wish that you could just ask questions when you need to.

You really want a proven success formula that will work in the REAL WORLD.

You want your Group Coaching to be fun, impactful and scalable, but you aren't sure how to get there

Imagine what it will feel like when you’re successfully leading your group and making more money for less time, or when you finally create a thriving evergreen group that loves to refer others to you!

Imagine the feeling after you’ve designed and led a MAGICAL session for your members, and you finally internalize how to make a difference in many people’s lives at once -- that indeed coaching can be scalable!

Imagine this...

  • You've shifted your entire coaching practice to groups, and your clients love it
  • You get to coach a group together and you're confident the value will materialize
  • You get enough time back to finally focus on your health, or spend time with family on the weekends or evenings instead of just working all the time.  And your family members notice and love you for it.
  • Family, friends and colleagues tell you how impressed they are with what you've built, and they want to join you

Imagine your income going up, while reducing the time spent on generating it.  And imagine you're multiplying the impact you’re making in the world.  Now imagine you’re having FUN doing that.

You’re ready to really commit to Group Coaching at a whole new level, but you’ve got a lot of questions!

  • “How do I keep people engaged?”
  • “What’s the best way to start a group session?”
  • “This feels hard, where do I start?”
  • “What if I'm not sure I'm ready for Group Coaching?”

We know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion if you’re learning Group Coaching on your own through trial and error.  If you don’t have a system to follow, it can be easy to make some critical mistakes, get off track, and never end up at the finish line of having a thriving group and a community that feels great.  Without guidance and support, it can be difficult to make any progress at all!

Let's not forget about the "business model" questions too...

  • “How long should my sessions be?”
  • “How many members is ideal for my group?”
  • “When should I schedule my sessions?”
  • “Should I start with a closed group or open group?”

And plus all the fears that might continue to hold you back...

  • “What if someone is dominating my group?”
  • “What if someone wants a refund?  Leaves a bad review?  Or feels disappointed?”
  • “What if I just don’t know enough to lead a group?”
  • “What if it's too hard for me?”
  • What if I make a fool of myself?”
  • What if someone leaves the group?”

Well, you can be sure that you're not the first person thinking about these things... and that you are NOT alone!  There are so many coaches just like you who are asking (or maybe NEED to ask themselves!) many of the questions above.

That’s why we’ve created a step by step system to break it all down, called The SureFire Group Coaching System.

We can show you the way to achieve excellence, and create MAGIC while you lead Group Coaching

We help coaches create world-class group experiences, leading to profound transformation of your group members in a way that feels authentic to YOU, the coach. Through our foundational library of tools and techniques, you can increase engagement and participation in your sessions, leading to greater retention, while you as a leader enjoy leading your group more. We will raise your abilities and your confidence to lead Group Coaching, so that you can finally leverage your time and create the life and business you want.  We've delivered hundreds of group coaching sessions and learned the best practices so that you don't have to.

"We have spent years of our lives coaching and training coaches just like you, over hundreds of sessions, and perfecting the Group Coach Magic™ toolkit.  We founded this business because we ARE coaches and we KNOW the value that coaches bring.  And there are so many GREAT coaches who quit because they can't scale, and they can't scale because they don't know how to lead Group Coaching! And THAT is a tragedy."

Robert Murray is a Certified High-Performance Coach and an original Master Faculty Xchange Facilitator. He co-founded Group Coach Magic™ to help coaches connect to a mission that matters and a community they love.  He views coaches as the "front line responders" to help with the stress, polarization and division plaguing so many today.

At 15, Robert grew a business with a group of friends from a start-up to $200 million with the aspirational mission of being an example of how business COULD BE when it focuses on making a positive impact in the world.

Today, he's helped organizations with leading teams virtually and in hybrid work environments.  Rob has facilitated hundreds of powerful conversations both online and LIVE in organizations such as Keller-Williams, Organifi, State Farm, Google, Pro-Match, DaoCloud, and many others.

Rob has facilitated thousands of powerful conversations online with coaches, facilitators, trainers, and organizations such as US Bank, State Farm, The Institute of Supply Management, Real Producers, and many others.  And he's facilitated hundreds of in-person conversations at organizations such as Keller-Williams, Organifi, Google, Pro-Match, DaoCloud, and many others.


Daniel Fernandes is an original Certified High-Performance Coach, and an experienced facilitator across diverse environments who has also co-founded multiple businesses.  He co-founded Group Coach Magic to demonstrate and study how to combine the most powerful transformational forces in the world, namely: coaching, leadership, performance and business.  He combines high creativity with high structure and he's passionate about helping turn lightbulbs on for others.

His in-person facilitation experience includes both cultural change workshops with General Motors executives in the USA, and coaching workshops for entrepreneurs across North and South America.  He has also facilitated virtual training and coaching events for coaches and professionals in diverse industries including real estate and software development.  As an experienced musician, he has created and facilitated large group experiences in concert with his original music.

With over 15 years of experience in international corporate leadership experience, executive and leadership coaching, speaking and workshop facilitation, he has a diverse business skillset and a Bachelors in Systems Design Engineering.  He also studied organizational and leadership development in the University of Michigan's Ross MBA Program, and has advised and coached entrepreneurs, business owners, real estate brokers and investors, start-up founders, executives and many other others.


The Surefire Group Coaching System Program

A 4-month Training, Support and Coaching Experience

The MOST ADVANCED system we know of specifically designed for group coaching;

QUICK and EASY tools and techniques that you can learn from video training and then immediately implement;

DIRECT SUPPORT in regular support calls, with other coaches in the field, to solve every challenge you'll face;

EXPERIENTIAL components so you can see us model what it looks like every month, and see how WE learn;

The ONLY PROVEN SYSTEM of its kind (that we are aware of!) field-tested over hundreds of sessions, and developed for (and with) coaches.

What You Will Experience ...

  • Designing and running your group sessions and live events will become much easier, and you’ll feel a lot less pressure leading them

  • You’ll learn our proven system for leading group coaching sessions that will give you the confidence to lead no matter what coaching framework you are using.

  • You’ll know how to create a real community with shared values and culture that will virtually assure all members get the progress they want, and improve retention.

  • You’ll experience and learn frameworks, techniques, and principles that will upgrade the group coaching activities and experiences that you lead

  • You’ll be able to take action on what you learn FAST in leading your very next group session! Experience the learning today, and apply it tomorrow, without a steep learning curve.

  • You’ll stop feeling like you have to build a business on your own, with support from expert coaches just like yourself.

  • You'll be able to earn a completion certificate, based on taking action and delivering at least TWO real-world LIVE group session designs (even if you don't yet have a group yet)

Our Hybrid Experience Gives You Everything You'll Need

No matter what we're doing, if we are LIVE with you, we don't let you sit back while we teach at you.  We involve you in the learning and we want you to understand how and why the activities work, so you'll have the confidence to lead your own groups with engagement.

We also record all your sessions so they will be available in your library during the program.



Core Training

Our foundational concepts and tools will be available to you in consumable Video trainings that we recorded LIVE.

For LIVE pre-launch members, you will as a bonus, get to participate in recording these trainings LIVE with us.

  • How To Create Culture, with our Group Culture Creator™ script

  • Starting Your Sessions, with our GPS Session Opening™ framework

  • Ending Your Sessions, with our ALIVE!! Ending™ toolset

  • Elevating Your Hotseats, with our Advanced Connective Hotseat™ playbook

  • A universal session template you can follow, called The 5E Breakthrough Sequence™

  • Designing sessions using structured thinking, with our O-O-O Session Design™ process

  • Critical mindset training for Group Coaches, including The 3Ds of Group Coaching™

  • And more...

LIVE Demonstrations

We model our tools for you in real-time, so that you can experience our session then literally turn around and use your new experiences in your very next group session!  It's the best way to learn. (And you get access to the recordings too!)

Our unique approach is powerful with multiple layers that you can't find anywhere else...

  1. You get coached.  Just show up!
  2. You get training to learn new or reinforced concepts
  3. We demonstrate LIVE and role model for you.
  4. The meta-experience speeds up your learning and recall.  Learn how to lead as we lead YOU, so you can apply it faster.
  5. Experiential learning transfer: YOU first experience the magic, then YOUR members experience it.  You'll know what it's supposed to feel like, increasing confidence in your sessions.
  6. Hypertrain your Facilitation muscles, post-session, where we share OUR thinking and experience during the session.
  7. Gain session-design secrets revealed after sessions, where we mastermind on what worked and what didn't.
  8. Powerful material for review.  During the program you can play, rewind and pause the recordings to take notes and ideas into your own sessions.
  9. We share our mistakes.  We're not perfect and you don't have to be either!


Regular LIVE and Offline Support

Join with other coaches who are actively running group sessions and sharing their learning in safe, generous, inclusive and transparent community.

In our LIVE support sessions, we all learn together, and you'll see us demonstrate various techniques, while supporting you directly. 

Or, send us your support needs, and we'll make sure you get a response.

And you should know, we're going to push you to take action... no more excuses being stuck!

Areas of support you You can request support is almost any area, such as:

  • Questions on SureFire Concepts and training modules and how to apply them
  • Identifying which specific tools that YOU need to use
  • Implementation Support and Debriefing
  • Transition Support from 1:1 Coaching To Group Coaching
  • Peer Support from other Group Coaches in the program
  • Real World Field Data - Learn what's working and not working in the field from other Group Coaches
  • Business Model support (program design, offerings, pricing, funnels, product suite integration, etc.)
  • Framework support to refine your frameworks and how to teach them in Group Coaching
  • Session Design Support
  • Group Activity Design Support
  • Form a clear and specific Action Plan to keep you moving forward
  • Identify your barriers and get unstuck
  • Celebrate progress and wins
  • etc.

Will this work for me?  Do you have a guarantee?

  • We have an awesome NO-RISK guarantee where you can take our entire program and still ask for a refund.  See our SureFire Guarantee page for details.

What Customers have said about Group Coach Magic

  • This has been far more valuable than a $30,000 mastermind that I purchased
  • This program saved my life and career
  • I was able to 4X my effective hourly rate by moving individuals confidently into a group and applying what I learned, and charging the same price for each person
  • Using Group Coach Magic techniques had such a powerful effect that I know that renewals will be higher at the end of the year because it’s a better experience
  • This program is exactly what coaches need for the new relational and experiential world that we need to live in
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Myths and Misconceptions About Group Coaching (16 minutes)



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SureFire Group Coaching System - Foundations™

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