
You’re invited to MAGIC - our Live Workshop on Group Coaching

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

So you’re a coach.  And you want to be world-class at Group Coaching.  Here's your chance!

In just 3 days, come experience the MAGIC in Group Coach Magic, in our Live Workshop Experience.

  As we actively demonstrate powerful Group Coaching, you’ll experience that power as a member, then turn around and use what you learn in your very next group session so that your own group members feel that powerful transformational experience, which we call a GATE. (BTW “GATE” stands for Group  Authentic Transformational Experience)

You’ll get to experience how we run sessions that are FUN, easy on you as a coach, and highly impactful for clients.  Plus, it could enable you to 4X or more your hourly rates through the power of leverage.

This transformational experience is the BEST way to learn and remember new concepts to level up your Group Coaching.

 We know that you want even more confidence in leading groups, and better cutting-edge tools & techniques. And we're going to show you what's possible. That's why you’ll find it extremely valuable.

Our July attendees LOVED it!  And we are sure you will too.

It’s happening Monday, November 1st at 12:30 Pacific, 3:30 Eastern time (90 minutes).

We’d love to have you join us :-) Register for it now on our website!  Or register for our next one, by opting-in below and we'll let you know when it will be.


Sending you Virtual Hugs,

Rob & Daniel


PS - Do you know a coach who’s ready to take their coaching to the next level of impact, through world-class group coaching?  If so, please forward this email to them, because after they attend, they’ll love you for it.


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