Everyone says do Group Coaching but nobody tells you HOW (...but we do!)
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Do people keep telling you to do group coaching? But nobody is telling you HOW to do it?
Then read on!
Most people take their 1:1 program and just try to do it with a bunch of people. Maybe there’s a breakout in there, and maybe there’s even a hotseat.
But slapping your 1:1 program on top of a group is leaving SO much value on the table for your members. There’s a much better way. It just takes more preparation.
If you’re not preparing for your group sessions, and you’re just winging it, your participants aren’t getting the full impact. You can DESIGN an amazing session for them.
When you spend the time thinking and preparing about your clients and the experience you’re about to take them through, they can have far superior outcomes, and a great EXPERIENCE.
In our SureFire Group Coaching System, we explain exactly how to do that with clear and tangible frameworks, tools, and even exact wordings you can use to take your participants through activities that create GATEs, which are Group Authentic Transformational Experiences that move them forward.
For now, today’s tip is about VOICES in the room:
No matter what your session is about, it’s ALWAYS a good idea to hear from the MEMBERS before they hear much from YOU. This signals that this experience will be about them, and sends the message their voice matters. It also tells them that it will be participative, and they’ll be called on to interact, which increases engagement levels.
Early on in the session, you want every single person in the group to SHARE something. That’s part 3 of our Session Opening GPS framework.
A good rule of thumb is the MORE you talk, the LESS effective your session will be. The more THEY talk, the better.
But most group coaches do exactly the opposite because they lack the advanced techniques that can totally transform group sessions.
In your next group session think about how you can get your group members talking MORE.
If you’d like to see this in action, come to our Workshop on Nov 1st, to get introduced to this way of coaching, or consider joining The SureFire Group Coaching System.
Sending you Virtual Hugs,
Rob & Daniel
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